New Zealand China Cultural Connection Cambridge 2023 China Theme Books Exhibition 2023新西兰中国主题图书展

The Opening Ceremony of the 2023 New Zealand China Theme Books Exhibition and China-New Zealand Youth Art Exhibition took place with great success on September 15th at the Cambridge Town Hall in Waipa, New Zealand!

新⻄兰中国主题图书展暨动物保护中新青少年艺术展开幕仪式9月15日在新西兰怀帕市Cambridge Town Hall 隆重成功举行!

In attendance were nearly 300 distinguished guests, including Susan O’regan, Mayor of Waipa; Liz Stolwyk, Deputy Mayor; Consul General Chen Shijie of the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland; Consul Zhou Li, Cultural Consul; Li Zhiyong, General Manager of the China International Book Trading Corporation; Louise Upston, Nancy Lu, National Party Member of Parliament; Wang Jianwen, Director of the Auckland Chinese Cultural Center; Fan Miao, Vice Chairman of the New Zealand China Friendship Society; Dee Atkinson, Director of Foreign Exchange at the Waipa City Library; New Zealand artist Carole Hughes; school principals, students, and various other dignitaries.

新西兰怀帕市长  Susan O’regan,副市长 Liz Stolwyk,中国驻奥克兰总领馆陈世杰总领事、周立文化领事,中国图书进出口贸易体团公司总经理李智勇,国家党国会议员  Louise Upston及陆楠 ,奥克兰中国文化中心主任王建文,新中友好协副会长会范淼,怀帕市图书馆对外交流主任Dee Atkinson, 新西兰艺术家 Carole Hughes ,中小学校长和学生及其它各届人士等近300人出席了盛大开幕式。

At the opening ceremony, 13 students from Cambridge Middle School first presented a splendid traditional dance performance with New Zealand’s local characteristics, which received enthusiastic applause from the audience.


The exhibition was jointly organized by the China International Book Trading Corporation, the New Zealand Culture and Arts Foundation, and New Zealand Prime Media Media Group. It featured over 1,500 books provided by the China International Book Trading Corporation and more than 220 artworks from young artists in both China and New Zealand. The exhibited books will be donated to local libraries and schools.

展览由中国国际图书贸易集团公司与新西兰文化艺术基金会、新西兰Prime Media 传媒集团联合举办,展出中国国际图书贸易集团公司提供的1500多册图书,以及220多幅来自中新两国青少年的画作。参展图书将捐赠给当地图书馆和学校。