
The 2023 Youth Culture and Arts School Holiday Camps students visited the Chinese Shadow Puppets Art Exhibition today, the exhibition is jointly organised by the NZCAF and New Zealand Shadow Puppets Art Workshop. The students were able to get up close to the traditional Chinese shadow art and experience the charm of intangible culture.

New Zealand Culture and Arts Foundation is proud to present the Chinese Shadow Puppets Art Exhibition in association with the New Zealand Shadow Puppets Art Workshop.

Shadow puppet is a unique Chinese folk art that combines engraving, painting, performance, music and opera, and has been described as “the progenitor of film and the pioneer of animation”.

New Zealand Shadow Puppets Workshop was founded by Mr Hou Yuanfang, who is known as “the first person to pass on the art of shadow puppets in China”. The exhibition will focus on the collection of Mr. Hou’s preserved Jibei folk shadow puppets from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and will last to 31 May 2023 at Level 3, 245 Hobson Stree, Auckland Central.


新西兰文化艺术基金会有幸联合新西兰皮影艺术工作室举办了本次“中国皮影艺术展”。皮影戏是中国特有的民间艺术,融镂刻、绘画、表演、音乐、戏曲等多种艺术于一体,被誉为“电影之鼻祖,动漫之先驱”。新西兰皮影工作室由被称为“中国民间皮影艺术传承第一人”的侯元放先生创办。本次展览将集中展示侯先生收藏保存的清代、民国时期制作的冀北民间皮影,展览在245 Hobson St,Auckland Central的Level 3举行,将持续到5月31日,欢迎前来参观。