【重磅新闻】2022《文化中国 · 魅力华星》迎国庆·庆中新建交50周年文艺晚会圆满落幕!


      2022年是中新建交的第50周年,在73周年国庆节到来之际,新西兰华星艺术团于2022年9月24日(周六)18:00在天空城剧场(SkyCity Theatre) 举行了2022《文化中国·魅力华星》迎国庆·庆中新建交50周年文艺晚会及《古韵龟兹·丝路库车》大美新疆摄影展,今年是新西兰华星艺术团连续举办的第七届,也是自新冠疫情以来首次回归现场演出。此次活动由新西兰华夏文化艺术交流中心和新西兰文化艺术基金会联合承办,由Channel 33媒体承办,由画笔艺术学校摄影展承办,中国驻奥克兰总领事馆后援支持,窦蓉和张孟华主持。当晚现场观众和演职人员一千余人,座无虚席。此次晚会圆满成功,受到了社会各界的高度关注和一致好评!

      出席本届晚会的贵宾有中国驻新西兰兼驻库克群岛、纽埃特命全权大使王小龙阁下、中国驻奥克兰总领馆雷震副总领事、中国驻新西兰大使馆教科文处董志学参赞、中国驻新西兰大使馆政治处宗斌主任、中国驻奥克兰总领馆周立文化领事、新西兰国会众议院副议长Greg O’Connor、国会议员Deborah Russell、国会议员陈耐锶、国会议员Helen White、国会议员Vanushi Walters、国会议员Mellissa Lee、新西兰中国友好协会奥克兰分会Michael Dawson会长、杨健博士、新西兰文化艺术基金会饶金生主席以及当地社团领袖和媒体。





Hon Greg O’Conor, Deputy Speaker of the New Zealand Parliament

Mme Li Fen, President of Huaxing Arts Troupe

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tena koto,tena koto, tena koto katua!

Good evening!

It gives me great pleasure to attend the Cultures of China · Huaxing Gala Night to celebrate the 73rd Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 50th Anniversary of China-New Zealand relations. I would like to express my warm congratulations to Huaxing Arts Troupe on organizing the gala night.

This is the first year of my term in New Zealand and it is the first time for me to celebrate China’s National Day in the southern hemisphere. While it’s autumn back in China and a time for harvest, it is spring here in NZ and a time for hope and new beginnings. The sentiments are somewhat different. But, both fit in well with what we do here today, celebrating what we have achieved and looking ahead further for both China and New Zealand and the relationship between our two countries.

Let me start with my hope for a brighter future of China’s development and progress. In the past 73 years, China has gone through remarkable transformations, resulting in constant improvement in people’s lives, and contributing at the same time to world peace, stability, and prosperity. In about 3 weeks, the Communist Party of China will convene its 20thNational Congress to chart the course of China’s development in the next five to ten years and beyond, which will stand China in good stead to realize its people’s aspirations for a better life and to make greater contribution to building a global community with a shared future.

Now, turning to my hope for the further development of China-New Zealand relations for the next 50 years. On the face of it, China and New Zealand cannot be more different. But scratching the surface, you will find that we have much more in common. More importantly, the two sides have been able to transcend the differences there are, and have created many firsts in the past 50 years, enabling our relationship to have grown exponentially and generated tangible benefits for our two countries, particularly our two peoples. With mutually complementary economies, as long as we continue nurturing our relations carefully and adhere to the principles of mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual benefit, we shall see further growth in our exchanges and cooperation, taking our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to higher levels.

As the Chinese saying goes, one flower does not spring make. We would know that spring has arrived when the field blossoms. I am deeply impressed since my arrival with the rich and dynamic multicultural scene in New Zealand. And, I am also glad that people of Chinese descendant and heritage as one of the biggest, if not the biggest diaspora in the country, have taken deep roots here and integrated themselves into the local communities, making major contributions to the economic and social development of New Zealand. In this process, the Chinese culture has become an essential part of New Zealand multicultural mosaic. Similarly, as a united multi-ethnic country, China is committed to promoting solidarity amidst diversity, and common development of its people of all ethnic groups. The “Amazing Xinjiang Photo Exhibition” launched today is meant to open a small window on progress made in Xijiang along those lines. Seeing is believing. You are all welcome to visit Xinjiang and see for yourselves the beautiful landscape, the vibrant culture, and above all the friendly and happy people there.

Ladies and gentlemen,

People-to-people engagement is what underpins a robust China-New Zealand partnership, the long-term and sustainable development of which depends on the joint efforts of both sides. I look forward to working with you and all friends in New Zealand to deepen mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation between our two countries and peoples.

With this, I wish the gala night a great success. Ngā mihi.









      “尊敬的王小龙大使阁下、雷震副总领事、董志学参赞、宗斌主任、周立文化领事、Distinguished Mr. Greg O’Connor MP、Dr Deborah Russell MP、Naisi Chen MP、Helen White MP、 Vanushi Walters MP、Mellissa Lee MP、Mr. Michael Dawson、尊敬的杨健博士,尊敬的各位来宾, Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening!

      首先,我代表新西兰华星艺术团非常感谢各位今晚的莅临!2022年是新中建交50周年,这是一个重要的里程碑,在国庆节来临之际,新西兰华星艺术团一年一度的《文化中国 · 魅力华星》文艺晚会如期而至了!

Thank you all for coming tonight! 2022 is the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and China, This is a significant milestone, a successful example of win-win bilateral relations that has resulted in greater maturity, stability, and many mutual benefits for both countries.At the time of the 73rd National Day Of P. R. China, the annual “Cultures of China · Huaxing Gala Night”, hosted by New Zealand Huaxing Arts Troupe, is coming tonight

      《文化中国・魅力华星》文艺晚会是新西兰华星艺术团的三大品牌晚会之一,每年都会在中秋佳节和国庆节到来之际举办。自 2016 年以来,已经在奥克兰市的各大剧场成功举办过六届,同时也在哈密尔顿市成功举办过四届,每场演出都吸引上千人的观看, 在疫情期间,我们和本地电视台合作以在线形式呈现,今年,随着疫情慢慢的褪去,我们又迎来了现场活动,这个不只是我们新西兰华星艺术团的庆祝活动,也是我们与疫情对抗的胜利曙光!

“Cultures of China · Huaxing Gala Night” is the one of three most famous event hosted by New Zealand Huaxing Arts Troupe at the time of Mid-Autumn Festival and China’s National Day. Since 2016, we have hosted successfully six times in Auckland and four times in Hamilton, where over a thousand audiences attended each time. During the epidemic period, the shows were presented online by live streaming and TV. This year, we are coming back to the theatre! It is not only a celebration for Huaxing, it is also a celebration for that we winning the war with Covid-19!

      新西兰华星艺术团在建团的七年来以不同形式主办和参与了近200活动,在各界人士的扶持和指导下,有效地整合了奥克兰以及其它部分城市最优秀的华人文化艺术资源,团结了有造诣有知名度的表演团体和艺术家,丰富了当地华人华侨的文化生活,并将中国优秀的传统文化和艺术推向新西兰主流社会。迄今为止,新西兰华星艺术团已拥有 63 家理事单位,演职人员近 3000 人,囊括了10 多种艺术种类,极大的丰富了新西兰华人华侨的文化生活,也成为新西兰多元文化的重要组成部分。

New Zealand Huaxing Arts Troupe has established for 7 years with almost 200 event hosted and involved, we have had a lot of supports from people from all walks of life. We integrated quintessence of Chinese culture and arts resources in Auckland and some other cities, gathered accomplished artists and art community societies to promote the cultural and arts exchanges between New Zealand and China, facilitate multicultural development, inherit and carry forward Chinese culture and arts. Up to this year, New Zealand Huaxing Arts Troupe has 63 society members and almost 3000 artists, which covered over 10 variety art forms. We are proudly to enriches the life of our Chinese community in New Zealand and being an important component of New Zealand multi-culture.


As the celebration of 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between New Zealand and China, we hope the event we host tonight could be a bridge of promoting the culture and arts exchange between New Zealand and China, deepening the friendship between the people of two great countries, and open our mind to the profoundness and delicacy of Chinese culture and arts.


Thanks again for all the guests and audiences’ coming tonight, thanks all the performers and volunteers. At the time of China’s National Day’s coming, I wish New Zealand and China‘s friendship is long standing! Wish the “Cultures of China · Huaxing Gala Night” a complete success!”

左起:新西兰国会众议院副议长Greg O’Connor、国会议员Deborah Russell、国会议员陈耐锶、国会议员Helen White、国会议员Vanushi Walters
左起:杨健博士、国会议员Mellissa Lee
新西兰中国友好协会奥克兰分会Michael Dawson会长


