2024 Chinese New Year Festival & Market Day 2024“新春花市同乐日”圆满举办!

This Saturday, February 3, 2024, the New Zealand Culture and Arts Foundation (NZCAF) and the Auckland Chinese Community Centre Inc (ACCC) are organizing the Year of the Dragon Chinese New Year Festival & Market Day at the Auckland Showgrounds! New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to New Zealand and the Cook Islands and Niue Mr. Wang Xiaolong, and several government ministers signed the opening dancing lions. Guests also included Transport Minister Hon Simeon Brown, Media and Communications Minister Hon Melissa Lee, National Party MP Zhang Junhao, National Party MP Lu Nan, Labor MP Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland Mr. Chen Shijie, Deputy Consul General Mr. Wang Junchao, Director of the Chinese Cultural Center in Auckland Mr. Wang Jianwen, as well as community leaders, business representatives and representatives of the event’s sponsors. The crowded venue of the Festival & Market Day was filled with people, and the bustling Chinese New Year Flower Market created a strong Chinese New Year atmosphere for everyone! Wonderful traditional folk and cultural performances, as well as hundreds of food and Chinese New Year stalls, attracted tens of thousands of local people to attend.

2024年2月3日,本周六,由新西兰文化艺术基金会携手屋仑华侨会所主办的龙年新春花市同乐日如约在Auckland Showgrounds 隆重举行!


2024年是甲辰龙年,中华儿女都是“龙的传人”, 迎接龙年新春的到来显得尤其意味深长!




新西兰总理Christopher Luxon,中国驻新西兰兼驻库克群岛及纽埃特命全权大使王小龙以及数位政府部长共同为醒狮签名祝福。

与会嘉宾还包括交通部长Hon Simeon Brown,媒体与通讯部长Hon Melissa Lee,国家党国会议员张隽浩,国家党国会议员陆楠,工党国会议员Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan,中国驻奥克兰总领事馆陈世杰总领事、王俊超副总领事,奥克兰中国文化中心主任王建文,以及社团领袖、商界代表和活动的赞助方代表。

新西兰总理Christopher Luxon在致辞中表示,充满活力的华人社区为新西兰的发展做出了巨大的贡献,他特此感谢!龙年代表着强有力的领导力和正能量,他希望在接下来的三年之中带领新西兰重回正轨。
