JP introduced Association of JP to the young campers at NZCAF 小朋友们在新西兰文化艺术基金会参加了介绍JP和JP协会的讲座

NZCAF organised an open seminar to introduce JP (Justice of Peace) to the children and youth on 6th September 2023 at NZCAF’s city community centre. The seminar introduced what’s JP, and how JP offers services to public, etc. The youth praised this event and said through the senimar they learned what the school won’t teach them.

2023年10月6日上午,新西兰文化艺术基金会联合JP,为小朋友们组织了一场讲座。讲座介绍了何为JP (Justice of Peace),以及JP向社区公众提供哪些服务。通过这次讲座,孩子们表示他们接触到了在学校中无法了解的知识,扩展了他们对社会的认识。